Chemistry Testing

KML Laboratories understands the challenges presented to companies complying with strict FDA regulations. We use validated methods at our state of the art Chemistry Laboratory which provides our clients with high quality testing results. KML Laboratories is ISO 17025 accredited and delivers results with the fastest turnaround time within our industry.

Chemistry Testing Services:

  • Vitamins: Fat & Water Soluble
  • USP<561> Pesticide Screen
  • Propylene Glycol 
  • USP<467> Residual Solvents Testing Services
  • Enterobacterial Plate Count
  • Coliforms
  • Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)
  • Extreme Freeze and Thaw
  • TPC & Heterotrophic Plate Count
  • Klebsiella
  • Listeria
  • Weight Loss & Loss on Drying
  • Bacterial & Fungal Identification
  • USP<1277> & Qualifying Material Test
  • Organoleptic Testing (Color, Odor, & Appearance)
  • Pathogen Tests
  • Percent Total Solids
  • pH Levels
  • Disintegration
  • Probiotic Enumeration
  • Clostridia
  • Pseudomonas
  • Qualifying Material Test
  • USP<1072>Disinfectant & Antiseptic
  • Salmonella
  • Specific Gravity
  • Stability Chamber Programs
  • Staphylococcus
  • Streptococcus
  • USP<60>Burkholderia cepacia
  • Vibrio Cholera 
  • Viscosity
  • Total Yeast and Mold Count
  • Bacillus cereus

Find the Right Test for Your Business


We’ve worked closely with the FDA for years. Please allow us to better explain what tests and test methods may be required to be performed by the FDA. We are here to assist you in as many ways that we can. Our staff is friendly and always happy to help.


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